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Operational Parameters

Operational Parameters in NEONNOW can be used to allow supervisors to dynamically control some aspects of the contact centre, e.g changing routing behaviour, turning on banner messages etc. For details of setting up Operational Parameters, refer to the admin section here.

As a supervisor you can update Operational Parameters on the fly to make certain changes to your contact centre. To make changes to Operational Parameters, follow steps below:

  1. Log into NEONNOW Admin Portal
  2. Open Contact Centre, select the appropriate contact centre, and open Customise --> Operations --> Operational Parameters
  3. The list of of Operational Parameters will be displayed, look for the relevant Operational Parameters or use the search button.
  4. Click on the 3 dots of the relevant parameter, and select Edit.
  5. A window will open allow you to update the value of the parameter.

There are multiple data types of Operational Parameters. Use the most appropriate data type for the use case. Using a more restrictive data type will reduce the likelihood of accidental data integrity issues.

Operational Parameter Data types:

  • Text - use text to store freeform text, such as to store a TTS prompt
  • Number - used to store a specific number
  • Queue - used to store an Amazon Connect Queue ARN - the UI will lookup a list of current Queues set up in Connect
  • True|False - used where you want the UI to only allow true/false options
  • Phone Number - used to store a phone number.