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Attached Data

Amazon Connect Contact Attributes that you want to display to the agent in the NEONNOW softphone/workspace are referred to as 'Attached Data'. These can be used to provide contact or customer meta-data.

Attribute Names

To configure specific Contact Attributes as 'Attached Data', the name of the attribute must be of a specific format, and can be configured dynamically within the Contact Flow. The Contact Flow(s) can display different data depending on the queue, or any other busniess logic within the Contact Flow.

  • CW-NEON_AttributeName - Shows a basic string attribute in both the incoming task banner and the profile column in the workspace.
  • CW-NEON-ACTIVE_AttributeName - Shows a basic string attribute in the profile column in the workspace only.
  • CW-NEON-INC_AttributeName - Shows a basic string attribute in the incoming task banner only.
  • phoneNumber (any permutation of this, eg. phonenumber, phone-number) - Shows a click-to-call link to make an outbound call if valid

The attribute name will be normalised, such as CW-NEON_AttributeName will display as 'Attribute Name'

Coloured Attributes

You can make any of the above attribute types (except phone number) display as a coloured badge instead of plain text. Simply append -TYPE to any of the above attributes, where TYPE is one of the below:

  • DEFAULT - will display blue
  • DANGER - will display red
  • SUCCESS - will display green
  • WARNING - will display yellow
  • NEUTRAL - will display gray

For example:

  • CW-NEON-DEFAULT_MyAttribute